博洛尼亞的 Alessandro Codivilla 是第一個應用骨骼牽引來延長骨骼的人。他在麻醉劑下使用急性強制延長短距離。他描述了另一種通過持續伸展獲得更大距離的技術,使用跟骨針牽引和斜截骨術,然後牽引 25-30 公斤。然後可以通過分階段施加更多的牽引力來實現更多的延長。一期延長術是由 Fassett 使用截骨術、插入骨移植物並用鋼板固定來開發的。然而,此過程之後出現了許多嚴重的並發症。

1932 年,Abbot 在聖路易斯聖地兄弟會殘疾兒童醫院介紹了他對 73 名患者(45 名脛骨延長)進行下肢延長的經驗。本文所述的基本原則是通過骨骼的牽引和反牽引、克服軟組織阻力的緩慢連續牽引以及骨骼末端的準確接觸和對齊。他詳細描述了脛骨延長的基本原理,包括在截骨術上方和下方應用兩個針,連接到一個特殊的裝置。鑽針由不銹鋼製成,而不是普通鋼,因為它對軟組織的刺激較小。手術步驟是:跟腱延長、腓骨截骨術、插入針、裝置的應用、脛骨截骨術和傷口引流閉合。脛骨截骨術必須以最小的軟組織剝離進行,以保持骨骼的血液供應並防止感染。外科醫生必須等待 1 週,直到腫脹消退後才能分心。這是對 Ilizarov 時代之前的等待期的首次描述。平均牽引率為每天 1.6 毫米,牽引時間為 4 至 5 週。該裝置在原位放置 8 至 10 週,然後取出並應用石膏模型。每 2 至 3 週進行一次後續 X 光檢查以檢查骨骼形成情況。患者的年齡從 8 歲到 19 歲不等。脛骨延長的幅度從 3.81 到 8.89 厘米不等。他們報告了脛骨延長的出色結果,但股骨的結果不太理想,並發症發生率更高。然後,Dickson 和 Diveley 報導了一種使用克氏針而不是直徑更大的針來最大限度減少軟組織損傷的裝置。瓦格納開發的方法在歐洲和美國廣受歡迎;該方法包括 3 個操作。第一次手術是應用單側外固定和骨幹截骨術。沒有等待期,因此進行了 5 毫米的急性手術延長,然後每天牽引約 1.5 毫米。第二個手術是電鍍和植骨。第三道工序是脫板鑄造。然而,並發症發生率很高。

我們當代關於骨延長的大部分知識都來自 Ilizarov 方法。 Ilizarov 於 1951 年開始了他的工作,他使用圓形框架和穿刺張緊鋼絲治療骨缺損患者。然後,他發現了張力應力或牽張組織發生的生物學規律,並應用這一原理治療多種疾病,如骨不連、骨髓炎、侏儒症、先天性畸形、某些骨腫瘤、骨缺損、骨折和骨質縮短。最近,諸如泰勒空間框架之類的六足計算機輔助圓形框架越來越受歡迎。下一步的發展是應用自牽引電動釘(一種磁力驅動的鈦髓內釘)來避免外固定的並發症並獲得快速康復。然而,Ilizarov 的原則仍然是所有骨骼延長手術的基石。

About the Author: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Uysal

Avatar of Prof. Dr. Mustafa Uysal
Prof. Dr. Mustafa UYSAL was born in 1972. After completing his education at Aydin Gazipaşa Middle School 1983-1986, he studied his bachelor's degree at one of the most prestigious universities, Istanbul University, Cerrapaşa Faculty of Medicine (English Department) between 1990-1997. After his graduation, continued his education in both Istanbul University's Medical School, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology and in Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Baskent University School of Medicine. After having experience in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department in Baskent University's Medical School between 2009-2019 years, has started to work in the private Adatip Sakarya Hospital between 2019 and 2020. The professor is currently employed at Sakarya's private Medar hospital. He has been using the latest technologies both for deformity corrections and orthopedic surgeries such as hip replacement, scoliosis, and knee replacement. Furthermore, he has been performing limb lengthening surgeries both for functional and cosmetic reasons since the early 2000's. The Professor has attended a training program in the Paley Institute, and he has not only published many articles on himself and also in the global framework. He has participated in a book that can be defined as a precious global guide that has the contents of Mr. Dr. Dror Paley's as well, called "Basic Techniques for Extremity Reconstruction." The doctor, for his part, has highlighted the Ilizarov technique's osteotomy rules and types, as well as the treatment of complications.
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